All content (c) 2025, Martin Waugh
"Liquid Sculpture" is a registered trademark
Press Room
Martin Waugh is available for media interviews, contributed articles and guest lectures. By drawing on his scientific background, Martin offers a fresh and unique perspective into the world of art. As a sought-after high-speed photography expert, he is available to provide “quotable quotes” on a variety of topics including:
- The intersection of art and science
- The evolution of high-speed photography
- Finding the courage to pursue your artistic passion
Please send your press requests and deadline requirements to Sunshine Morrison. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to meeting your editorial requirements.
Media Contact: |
Sunshine Morrison
+001 503 477 6591 |
Latest News
- Exhibitor Magazine awards Bayer for using Liquid Sculpture as a booth activity at RSNA in Chicago.
- Martin's work is featured in the i witness gallery in Portland, Oregon.
- Martin's work is featured in the gallery in the lodge at Black Butte Ranch, Sisters, Oregon.
Selected Exhibitions
- Featured Artist - July-August, 2012, "Liquid Sculpture" , i witness gallery, Portland, Oregon
- Featured Artist - March-April, 2012, "Liquid Sculpture" , Black Butte Ranch, Sisters, Oregon
- Co-exhibitor - October, 2011-January, 2012, "Flux, Flow, Flight - Art in Motion" , Orleans House Gallery, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
- Featured Artist - September, 2010, "Liquid Sculpture" , Art Institute of Portland, Portland, Oregon
- Co-exhibitor - January-April, 2010, "Water Works" , Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & Art at Midland Center for the Arts, Midland, Michigan
- Co-exhibitor - December, 2009, "Aleatoric Art" , Art Basel, Miami, Florida
- Martin appears on Discovery Channel's popular show "Time Warp"
- Co-exhibitor - August, 2008, "WATER Exhibition" , The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake, Nassau Bay, Texas
- Co-exhibitor - April-August, 2008, "Stopping Time: The Art and Science of Harold 'Doc' Edgerton's Life Work" , Coe Gallery, Hickory Museum of Art in Hickory, North Carolina
- Featured Artist - April-May, 2007, Metroplois Photogallery in Bologna, Italy
- Co-exhibitor - April, 2007, "2fast4u - A High Speed Photography Exhibition in Wolfsberg" at KUSS Wolfsberg, Austria (read more...)
- Featured Artist - March, 2006 at the offices of Launchbox in downtown Portland, Oregon
- Paris, Capital of Creation exhibition at the Queen Club on the Champs Elysees in Paris. Read more...
- Recent works and demonstration, The Orcas Center, Orcas Island , WA (2004)
- The Zen of Water, Interfaith Spiritual Center, Portland , OR (2004)
- An Exploration of Color, Doll Gardner Gallery, Portland , OR (2004)
- First Thursday Featured Artist, LaunchBox, Portland , OR (2003)
Selected press coverage
Exhibitor Online, February, 2013 |
Science Donga Magazine, March, 2012 |
Pix Magazine, Premiere Issue, December, 2011 |
Rangefinder Magazine, September, 2011 |
Oslo Airport Magazine, August/September, 2011 |
Oregon Art Beat, March 24, 2011 |
Eyes In magazine, February, 2011 |
Photoworld China, September, 2010 |
Movimento Cyan , May, 2010 |
Money Magazine, May, 2009 |
A Distinctive Style, April-May, 2009 |
Digital Photographer UK, April, 2009 |
Entrepreneur Magazine, March, 2009 |
SweetHome.ca, March, 2009 |
Shutterbug Magazine Radio Show, February, 2009 |
Foto-Video China, January, 2009 |
Chinese Photography, September, 2008 |
H2bid World Water Blog, September, 2008 |
Cover article, Digital Photo Magazine, Russia, April, 2008 |
Evening Magazine, KING5 TV, Seattle, October 16, 2007 |
Marketing Daily, October 29, 2007 |
Amateur Photographer Magazine, UK, June, 2007 |
FocoFijo online, October 2007 |
Digital Photographer, Ukraine Edition, September 2007 |
sleek magazine, Germany, Spring 2007 |
Discovery Channel Canada, Daily Planet Show, November 2006 |
LensWork Extended, Bonus Gallery, 2006 |
FOTOCult, cover article, November 2006 |
The Big Picture magazine, November 2006 |
L'Internaute, June, 2006 |
Rangefinder magazine, cover article, May, 2006 |
Ça m'intéresse magazine, Paris , April, 2006 |
Portland Tribune, February 21, 2006 |
London Metro newspaper, February 10, 2006 |
WebPhotoMag, Issue#1, December, 2005 |
OutbackPhoto.com |
PhotoShopSupport.com |
Enlightenment Radio Network |
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