All content (c) 2025, Martin Waugh
"Liquid Sculpture" is a registered trademark
January 4, 2006
Waugh to participate in France's "Paris, Capital of Creation" exhibition
The famed Paris, Capital of Creation event on Feb. 2, 2006 promotes Paris as the place for fashion and other creative activities such as furniture design and photography (www.pariscapitaledelacreation.com).
Part of this event is an exhibition at the Queen Club (www.queen.fr) one of the best known clubs in Paris, situated in the middle of the Champs Elysees. This party will feature a fashion show, an artist who creates a "live" painting, a painting exhibition, and a photo exhibition. Martin Waugh is one of only two photographers selected to participate in the photo exhibition.
Five to ten extra-large prints (1+ meter wide) will be hung in the staircase that leads from the entrance to the mezzanine and ground floor. This is an ideal location due to the excellent lighting. It also ensures that Waugh's "Liquid Sculptures" will be the first thing the public sees when they enter the building, and the last thing they experience before they leave.
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