All content (c) 2025, Martin Waugh
"Liquid Sculpture" is a registered trademark
Martin Waugh is available to produce custom images. He works with art directors and creative teams at ad agencies, graphic design firms, stock image galleries, magazines, journals, publishers and corporations.

JWT / Smirnoff
Following its recent blockbuster TV ad for Smirnoff, advertising agency J. Walter Thompson (JWT) created a trio of ads to continue its "purity" theme. The agency selected Martin Waugh to create martini, highball and whiskey glasses out of water drops and splashes. |
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"We always have our eyes open conducting ongoing research into the world's best and most innovative photographers. Martin certainly comes under those categories. No one else could have done the campaign justice." - Phillip Meyler, Art Director, JWT, London
"The executions significantly outperformed all recent Smirnoff executions in terms of engagement and also in the communication of purity and quality." - marketing research results after roll-out |

OnPoint Community Credit Union
"Thank you so much for the beautiful work you did on the custom shot for the 'Spreading Opportunity' cover. This carefully created piece truly reflects how we strive to serve our members and the community and your photo brings that idea to life visually. We've had nothing but rave reviews."
- Erin Koach, Marketing Specialist
Martin worked closely with The Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas, creating a set of custom images to advertise their Wet Spa at TI health spa. The fluid lines and calm colors of Martin's Liquid Sculpture evoke just the sense of beauty and relaxation the designers envisioned.
The biosciences company, Novagen, chose Martin's work for the cover of their catalog, to convey the synergy between life and science.